Daily Net
Repeater: Keller Peak (KE6TZG) Frequency: 146.385 + PL Tone: 146.2 Judy Dean (NB6J)
Golden Triangle Amateur Radio Club
GTARC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
Repeater: Keller Peak (KE6TZG) Frequency: 146.385 + PL Tone: 146.2 Judy Dean (NB6J)
Mini Field Day 9am - 12pm Locations TBD.
Repeater: Keller Peak (KE6TZG) Frequency: 146.385 + PL Tone: 146.2 Judy Dean (NB6J)
Repeater: Keller Peak (KE6TZG) Frequency: 146.385 + PL Tone: 146.2 Judy Dean (NB6J)
Repeater: Keller Peak (KE6TZG) Frequency: 146.385 + PL Tone: 146.2 Judy Dean (NB6J)
Repeater: Keller Peak (KE6TZG) Frequency: 146.385 + PL Tone: 146.2 Judy Dean (NB6J)
SSB Round Table – A casual round table net just prior to the weekly 10 meter net. Frequency: 144.210 USB Al Febraro (W6AAX)
Frequency: 28.360 MHz USB NCS Ted Jacobson (N6ZO) Net Control
Repeater: Keller Peak (KE6TZG) Frequency: 146.385 + PL Tone: 146.2 Judy Dean (NB6J)
On the third Thursday of the month. RSVP with Judy Dean NB6J if you plan on attending ad6f@frontier.com.
Frequency: 146.805 (-) PL 100.0 NCS John McDermott (KJ6UNC) Net Control
Repeater: Keller Peak (KE6TZG) Frequency: 146.385 + PL Tone: 146.2 Judy Dean (NB6J)