The Golden Triangle Amateur Radio Club, Inc. (GTARC) was founded in October 1989 by radio amateurs in the Lake Elsinore, Murrieta and Temecula Valley area. The club name was derived from the triangular plot of real estate formed by the I-15 and I-215 freeways. While most of the members reside in Temecula, Murrieta, Wildomar and Lake Elsinore, GTARC is gaining popularity in other surrounding areas.

GTARC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and is recognized by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). We encourage our members to also join ARRL. 

Contact Information:

GTARC Mailing address:

P.O. Box 890074
Temecula, CA

Contact us online here.

GTARC 2024 Board of Directors

President: Alan Cook

First VP: John McDermott

Second VP: Fred Johnson

Secretary: Eric Griffen

Treasurer (acting): Fred Bartz

Directors: Alan Cook KG6TGF, Bruce Brunn KN6ICE, Eric Griffith KN6APP, Alan Cobb KM6ZMM

Compliance Officer: Fred Bartz K8GBA

FCC Repeater Trustee: Alan Cook KG6TGF

Board Members at Large:

Alan Cobb
Bruce Brunn
Jeff Tribulski

Committee Assignments

Communication and Outreach: Adam Campbell KN6PHT, Chair
Website & Club Communications.

Repeaters and Club Radio Communications: Mark Harnetiaux N6WBC, Chair Repeater, MESH and HF Remote Status etc.

Government Relations: Fred Bartz K8GBA, Chair
Regional ARC’s, City of Temecula, Murrieta, Menifee, RACES, CERT, SATERN etc.

Education: Mark Harnetiaux N6WBC, Chair
Licensing Classes etc.

GTARC Events: Alan Cook KG6TGF, Chair – Harry Pollak KJ6PCW – Judy Dean NB6J
General Meeting Programs, Thursday Lunches, Quarterly Events, Field Day, GTARC Picnic. Mini- Field Days, Net Reports, etc.

Community Events: Paul Miller KI6ZZC, Chair

EmComm: Eric Griffith KN6APP, Chair – Fred Bartz K8GBA – Mark Harnetiaux N6WBC